EpiphanyThrowing Bag"Seal your destiny away"Active item (variable recharge time)
When used by Tainted Cain While heldReplaces tears with a swingable bag which is thrown as a weapon when fully charged.

Swinging the bag deals Tainted Cain's amount of damage, while throwing it deals 4x Tainted Cain's damage at closest range - damage decreases based on range and bag speed.

The bag will bounce off of obstacles, enemies and other bags before landing on the ground.

The time required to fully swing the bag scales with the tears stat.

The range stat affects both the maximum swinging range and the amount of bounces (1 bounce for every: 4.5 range (walls), 9.5 range (enemies), 5 range (other bags)).

3-5 rock projectiles are shot in random directions upon each bag impact which deal damage that scales with the damage stat. Amount of damage is random but always less than the damage stat.

All bags are displayed on the HUD - bags held in the upper row; bags currently on the ground on the lower row; and a half-bag icon to the left if a bag is not fully formed yet.

On useRecalls back all thrown bags.

Recharge time starts at 2 seconds and an additional 2 seconds are added for each bag that is being recalled.

If used while holding an item over Tarnished Cain's head (the pickup animation), the item will be consumed by the bag and half a throwable bag will be granted and displayed on the HUD.

Obtaining two halves of a throwable bag will grant a full bag which allows for multiple bags to be thrown one after another.

Bags may gain synergies and different appearances based on the 2 consumed items that created them. For a full list of synergies, please check the Wiki page.

Consuming an item does not deplete any charges.

Dad's Note is the only item that cannot be consumed.

When used by any other character Only one item may be bagged at a time and no more than one throwable bag can be obtained.

Using the item will switch between firing tears and swinging the bag.

The thrown bag cannot be recalled by using the active item button.

No charges are depleted when using the item whatsoever.

Item pedestals can be consumed by standing next to them.

Golden variant Consuming a golden item grants 2 copies of said item.

Unlock: Earn all completion marks as Tarnished Cain.

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